مجتمع وقانون
مجلة تعنى بسيادة القانون ودوره في المجتمع

Why Society & Law?

I am pleased to announce the launch of the magazine Society and Law.
The first edition of the magazine issued with diligent and persevering efforts, of the experts, members of the editorial board, and technicians which it Which were exceptional and distinct.

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The product issued on behalf of the Iraqi Law Firm, In order to strengthen the legal culture of community, and establish legal concepts for the unity and stability of Iraq, and ensure the good implementation of human rights.

This publication seeks to provide the juridical library, and all interested in the legal affairs and legal sociology, with the jurisprudence of experts, especially with the major changes in the legal concepts and the challenges in peace and security that face international community.

The nations of the world have always ensured the stability of civilized societies by develop rule of law, good governance and judicial independence. However, the rapid changes that witnessed in various regions of the world, including the Middle East, led to discover a big gap between legislation, societies and developmental that failed to meet the challenges.  The justice system has not been able to absorb the magnitude of the challenges that have destabilized societies. That led to raised Important inquires, about the robustness of the rule of law system.

The escalation of the challenges and the emergence of a new generation of organized crime and terrorism, which is trying to destabilize countries in its usual form, called for the attention of the legal and social jurisprudence to the rapid establishment of legal rules, which contribute to stopping the criminal tide in its new form.

Among these efforts, it was agreed upon by a group of experts in sociology and law that the legal culture of the ruling elite, justice and law enforcement personnel and other segments of society interested in promoting legal issues should be strengthened by analyzing the problems facing societies, and to ensure the pillars of society values of tolerance, transcendence and solidarity.

And to uphold the rule of law to form a common ground for the restoration of communal peace and coexistence, particularly in areas affected by conflict, barbaric attacks, underdevelopment and intolerance.

This publication seeks to address legal and social issues facing fragile societies after conflicts and move towards the building of modern, developed countries that believe in the rule of law and equality among individuals.

It may be one of the most important challenges that facing societies, the chaos created by internal conflicts, the recruitment of children into these conflicts, and modernized terrorism. In addition to the unprecedented activity of organized crime syndicates, in the crimes of kidnapping, drug trafficking, human trafficking and money laundering, in addition to the spread of corruption in the joints of countries.

It is interesting to note that those who are most vulnerable to the challenges that facing communities, individuals from minorities, women and children are the most vulnerable in societies.

Although the legislative system is keen to produce a package of laws that promote stability, the need for a new set of laws has become an urgent need to address the growing problems, as well as the need to develop new mechanisms to implement these laws quickly and easily.

This publication high light on the rule of law in various aspects, which contributed to the creation of multiple writers, in addition to finding societal and legal solutions that enhance the rule of law and contribute to stability. On this occasion, I would like to extend my thanks and appreciation to all colleagues, the distinguished experts, for their great minds and speeches, to enrich this important product. Also, I may thank the readers’ confidence in browsing this magazine. That start on the name of GOD the recipient of the grace of the sea of ideas, and spaces of knowledge.

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